Gotlands bivaxdukar heter nu Gotland Originals

We are changing the name

Today I can proudly present our biggest news to date. Gotland's beeswax cloths changes name to Gotland Originals. Here's why:

Last autumn we launched our fire starters made from production waste, and now in February we started making homemade candles from beeswax. We have really thought that this thing about launching sustainable products is super fun!! It's something we really want to continue with.

What we start with is both the feeling of being able to make a difference, but also the thrill when you write the launch email the night before, and expectantly wonder what people will think.

The question we asked ourselves is why don't we just go all in on it?

Which brings us to the name change…

Our big goal in 2023 and beyond will be to start making even more sustainable household products beyond just beeswax cloths. We already have lots of exciting ideas in the making, and will start presenting them as soon as possible! We also want to start reaching beyond Sweden's borders, and share our message with even more people!

It simply exists two big reasons for the name change

  • We're not coming only sell beeswax cloths anymore
  • We need a name that works in other languages

We need a name that reflects that. From that we chose Gotland Originals.

This journey has really been unbelievably fun so far, and we sincerely hope that all of you who have chosen to join choose to continue forward.

When we started about 2 years ago, we had no idea how far we would get. When we started it was just me (Leo) and Sebastian in a cramped student room. Today we have a team of almost 10 people who all do their best to create super products for as many people as possible.

The team at Gotland Originals

To everyone who has been with us since the beginning - Thank you so much!
To everyone who just joined - Welcome!

Here we go!

With kindest regards,
/Leo Hjertstedt & Sebastian Rückertz

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